In today’s interconnected world where everything leave a footprint, how much control do we have over being perceived, or remembered? This programme looks at the permanence of our online lives, alongside the stories of those who appear forgotten or erased from history entirely. Obsessing over a rediscovered past, the desire to immortalise someone we love, and intimate retellings of untold stories, Unforgotten examines the ways in which we can remember, and how far reimagination and rediscovery can take us.
The films in this programme weave together personal storytelling with archive, montage, interviews, screengrabs and reenactments. Bringing back to life, and lamenting things lost forever. Includes the stories of Scottish artist and photographer Maud Sulter and prolific extra Jill Goldston.
Maud, dir. Natasha Thembiso Ruwona, UK 2023, 16mins
All the Days in May, dir. Miryam Charles, Canada 2023, 8mins
Jill, Uncredited, dir. Anthony Ing, UK 2022, 18mins
Zuckerberg You Owe/Own Me, dir. Pauline Blanchet, UK 2022, 15mins
The Medallion, dir. Ruth Hunduma, UK 2023, 18mins